Thursday, July 2, 2009

weighing game

I have had some time on my hands as of late and it has given me the opportunity to really examine some of my choices. Over the last year and a half I mastered the art of letting myself go. Like many people who have a personal battle with food, I have lost about 125 pounds and gained at least 150. Not all at once mind you but slowly over the last 25 years. This last period (about a year and a half) I have hit an all time personal high - and no, I will not being sharing that number. Recently I started back at the gym and it has not been easy. Long gone are the days when I was younger and a couple of weeks of sensible eating and sweating it out on the treadmill resulted in a 12 pound weight loss. This weight doesn't want to budge, it wants to stick around to see just how serious I am about taking it off once and for all. This is okay - not ideal - but okay. I lost 5 pounds in my first 2 weeks and let me tell you I was thrilled. Then, got on the scale 2 weeks after that and nothing, not one pound, zippo changeo. I am going to be honest I cried - a lot - and then I went to the gym. So, in order to help keep myself focused I took a picture of a dress that I have had and not worn in 2 years, it is beautiful non. I love this dress and I will get into it again and by sharing this I hope to remain strong and forgiving but most of all self-loving.


  1. Love love love that dress Lynda! May it inspire and motivate you on those days you're feeling tired and grumpy about going to the gym.
