Friday, July 3, 2009

I have decided that just because I've gone back to the gym doesn't mean that I can't have a treat once in a while. This week I chose a most delicious carrot cupcake (because carrots are healthy and good for your eyes and all that).
The other day I celebrated my birthday with my sweet friend Jasmine. My birthday was actually in March but I didn't feel much like celebrating back then and once I did feel like it Jazz broke her leg which had her out of commission for a while. Fast-forward, last week we got together and Jazz had a lovely bouquet of white roses for me. Having them around my house was a constant reminder that I someone was thinking of me and that is the best gift ever.

I recently found out that a friend of a friend (you know who you are) decided to start collecting paint by numbers because they liked my collection so much. At first I was quite miffed because there aren't a lot of paintings around these days and so the idea of having competition in the collecting arena was aggravating. I have since relaxed a bit. And, I can totally understand wanting them around because they really do make me smile, and if they can make someone else smile by having their own then that is a mighty nice thing indeed.

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