Wednesday, July 1, 2009

my friend Lois

My friend Lois has a new blog - hellogirlthursday - I love it for many reasons but here is my latest. Lois took this picture and she writes, "Found this hiding behind some rinds of parmigiano in my freezer tonight. Yes, of course I ate it". I don't know of many people who happen to have rinds of cheese in their freezer, mainly because it is eaten in the first day or two of buying it, am I right or is this just with me. Clearly this freezing of cheese is why Lois is so slim and has the energy she does. Note to self, must freeze cheese if for no other reason than to keep me from eating it. Also, there is no way, and I mean NO WAY, I would fail to remember having an ice cream bar in my freezer. I can't even imagine discovering a long-lost ice cream bar that I forgot I had. Now back to her photo, notice how lovely the room behind is - teak dinette cabinet, Eames chair, slick sofa - I'm sorry Lois but I must insist on seeing more of your apartment.

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