Monday, July 20, 2009

who gets vertigo?

Who gets vertigo - me that's who. It took me by surprise today, I went downstairs to get something and went back upstairs and the hall was spinning and I felt incredibly nauseous. I had to lie down, lie down and try not cry because vertigo is scary stuff. I called my friend Katy - who has a key - and asked her to come over and bring me gravol (because I couldn't move to get it myself) so I could sit up and not puke. My other friend Rhonda is popping over. She said she wouldn't wear her striped T-shirt in case that makes me dizzy... and that she'd move slowly. I love my friends. There really is no other reason for this post except that I was feeling a little sorry for myself and now I realize my life is pretty darn great. Vertigo - not so good, friends - exceptional.

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